Saturday, June 20, 2009

I used to be a Christian but now I'm not

I just read this blog by a Frank Shaeffer (I think it was his name) He claimed to be the son of a famous evangelist and family friends with Billy Graham. He also declared his retreat from Christianity in the 80's and he was so glad to leave.

As I read the story I so much wanted to be able to pick up the phone and say, "Hey dude, you never was a Christian and I seriously doubt that your dad was either."

He cited anti Christian behavior of many Christians and bla bla and then there is bla.

Wake up bubba, Christianity is a relationship. It's a walk with the Savior and it should be a demonstration ofChrist in the Christian life . You just didn't find it.

So of course this guy is now a famous (I say famous because I am assuming, I really don't know)
journalist and the left embraces him as the chosen one who was able to see the light and not stay right.

The funny thing is the left hates the right because they say that the right is judgemental

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Give" is a four letter word.

Perhaps one of the hardest things for which to raise money is humanity.

People love to save whales, trees, spotted owls and an entire host of variables. Yet you tell them about people who are starving and so many times you will hear. "that's a shame".

Now of course I am plugging my own cause of which I am very interested in seeing succeed but this really does apply to all such causes.

I had a big treat yesterday. I had a Starbucks coffee and a sandwich on a bagel. It cost 250 pesos! that was around 4 bucks. It is a big deal for me and actually I did not know it would be so high or I would not have purchased it. Yet It caused me to think about how many people have the resources to go into a Starbucks or any such place and without checking their financial resources, buy a cup of coffee. Some of you might be saying, "well yeah, duh!" Yet if I had as many people who read my stuff go to: and sign up for a monthly deduction of only $5 from their debit or credit card, many of the problems here would be addressed.

Maybe it is because many people do not know who to trust. I agree that is a huge problem. It is so easy to check our information. if you go to: you will get the facts. If you go to: and click on The box with the picture of the little girl which reads, "Photos" it will bring you to our multiply site and you will see almost 4,000 photos of what we do and how we do it. If you click "Updates" on the menu bar you will be able to see our diary for the three years we have been here.

Everything we do, we document because we know it is important to see how your money is making a difference. There are also plenty of other references which can be given to you if required.

We came here three years ago and up until a generous supporter gave us a washing machine. Prior to that, we washed the clothes by hand. We still don't have an oven and so nothing is baked, broiled or roasted and everything is cooked on a two burner , counter top stove.

We are Yankees in a tropical climate yet we have no A/C. All you Californians, could you picture that?

I don't tell you that so you can feel sorry for us (of course if that motivates you I will tell you more) We have been praying for three years for a camera. A generous supporter bought a motorcycle for me yet we are praying for a vehicle for the entire family. Right now, almost every pair of pants I own has patches on it. My youth Pastor needs a computer for the ministry.

I tell you all this so you will know that your money is not going to support someones lavish lifestyle. We live in a donated house but we never know when that graciousness will expire and we will have to look for a home.

Yesterday I went to look at a condominium. I did it just for kicks. I loved it. The price was $120,000. In America it would be a great deal but with no salary, how could I pay for it?

With all this in mind. Knowing that we are working to change lives here in Payatas and are willing and have been suffering for the cause, why don't you sign up with us for $5 per month?

Just go here: , click the $5 box and your good to go.

I hope you will check out our sites and see the good work of which you can take part.


Monday, June 15, 2009

Christmas is Over in Payatas

Do you remember seeing all the hullabaloo about Christmas for Payatas? The sites are still up on the internet.
Foundations, public figures, stars of all kinds and many bloggers pushed this event that would be the end all and be all to help those at the garbage dump.

They rolled in, gave the kids t shirts, shorts, sneakers and had them put them on so that they could start shooting the photos. Many pleas were spoken (by what I believe to be some very sincere people) to help these poor kids.

Promises went as follows, 100,000 people would be afforded livelihood programs, 25,000 children will be educated, presents for the kids and on an on. Even "hopes" of providing housing.

Now it's June. I have been trying to find out where the money went. As a Pastor in this community I am thrilled at any attempt to help these people. The videos portray life here very accurately. What is not accurate are the claims to help.

And so I say, "Where's the Money?"

I called ABS-CBN which was portrayed as a sponsor. They denied having anything to do with the project. I showed them the photo of Ms Agabulos holding up the t shirt and taking the photo. I was told that she did not know what it was for. Sharp reporting. By the way, you can go here to see the connection: . Scroll to the bottom to see the lady that did not know she was supporting the cause. By the way, if these pages are removed, email me, I have saved them.

Fusion Excel is another supporter. I tried to contact the Owner, Paul Ting who coincidentally is the brother of Matthew Ting the owner of Tote Daddy. I also tried to contact Matthew on a number of occasions. I received no replies from anyone of these sponsors.

The Lighthouse International website has been suspended but I was finally able to get someone in the QuezonCity office of Lighthouse (a sponsor of the project) They could not tell me where the money had gone nor could they put me in touch with someone who knew.

They did give me the phone number for the treasurer of the Rotary Club who was extremely helpful. The Rotary overseas a building that is owned by??? that houses the preschool at the dump. They have had no electricity for a while and are badly in need of repairs. She told me someone else is in charge of repairs and she just handled the money to feed the kids and run the school.

Are you getting tired yet? Thirty years at the dump site where nothing has changed.

Now go to our websites: - -

At the Church web site you can click on updates to see what we have done for three years.

Did you happen to notice that this is the only follow up web info for Christmas For Payatas? How come no one is shouting the good news of accomplishments? Because there are none.

Also at the Church site you can click to go to our Multiply site where we have almost 4000 photos of our work. All this was accomplished with very little money. Imagine what we would have done with the $81,000.00 plus US Dollars collected by Christmas For Payatas. Imagine if we had movie stars and politicians and bloggers blogging for us.

It's not too late. Come give to our cause and we will show you where the money goes.

May God bless your generous hearts and guide you to make intelligent choices.

Pastor Jack Wilson