I just read this blog by a Frank Shaeffer (I think it was his name) He claimed to be the son of a famous evangelist and family friends with Billy Graham. He also declared his retreat from Christianity in the 80's and he was so glad to leave.
As I read the story I so much wanted to be able to pick up the phone and say, "Hey dude, you never was a Christian and I seriously doubt that your dad was either."
He cited anti Christian behavior of many Christians and bla bla and then there is bla.
Wake up bubba, Christianity is a relationship. It's a walk with the Savior and it should be a demonstration ofChrist in the Christian life . You just didn't find it.
So of course this guy is now a famous (I say famous because I am assuming, I really don't know)
journalist and the left embraces him as the chosen one who was able to see the light and not stay right.
The funny thing is the left hates the right because they say that the right is judgemental